Thursday 2 April 2020


Poster by Matthieu Persan (
"Three nights later, the recording of a woman being restrained by the police went viral. She resisted fiercely while crying for help and, in response to the reprimands coming from the windows of neighbouring residential buildings, she proffered a sentence of which only the last words are distinguishable. Something about 'being shut in.' In the context, the information being transmitted is easy to grasp. She couldn’t stand being shut in.

It was the despair in her voice what struck me to the point that I haven’t been able to forget her."

"What’s the problem, then? What happens at our homes that makes our staying in feel like being grounded? Why does it feel boring or distressing to the point of driving many up the wall on the second or third day?"

Read my new article for Miista here.

Also available on beauty & horror

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"Having this in mind, I can’t but feel extremely curious and expectant. And with curiosity and expectancy come two questions:...